Saturday, March 15, 2014

On 6:45 AM by Anonymous in , ,    No comments
Alexa provides information about websites including Top Sites, Internet Traffic Stats, Site Rankings Worldwide/Countrywise. People can judge your blog by looking at your site's/blog's alexa rankings. And now I will show you some simple steps on "How to maintain alexa ranking of our blogs".

Alexa ranking is measured by your site's unique traffic that arrives from google and other search engines. So you need to SEO your site first, which will make your site crawl in google search results. You can check SEO TIPS for more guide about SEO on your sites.

Now lets get straight to the point! How can you Boost your alexa ranking? 

Always remember that Content Is The King! If you have unique content on your blog then you have more chances of getting search results on the first page of google search.

Ask your friends to write a review on Alexa about your site. This is the best way to get good ranking very faster!

Search for some blogs with same niche to yours and make comment on them which will build backlinks and also your site will be added to their site linkings in alexa. 

Always post your content to social media like facebook, twitter, pinterest and many more. This will bring much traffic and also can help in spreading the word around about your blog.

The main thing is to write articles on regular basis. Always write your own articles and never try to copy from others. This will increase popularity of your blog with much backlinks from other websites automatically.

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